Damn right!
It may be a little prejudice, but damn right!...Yay Canada!
Damn right!
It may be a little prejudice, but damn right!...Yay Canada!
Yes, it is funny shit.
Be sure to go to http://niftyhacks.zophar.net for any new updates.
I don't really care
Theres no point to beg for mercy 'cause its your first flash. My first was about 10 times better than this but people don't give a fuck. It is short and inhumorous, and thats how people will look at it. I'm not being cruel, that is just how it works.
very unique...
This is a halarious movie. I suggest that you watch this movie if you haven't already watched it 10 times today. It is unique, but in a good way. Very well done sound, graphics and the other categories. MAKE MORE KEGEL MOVIES
This is a poor attempt of a ripoff for all ur base r belong 2 us...but it still made me chuckle.
I had to watch this twice, and I spent the whole time laughing. The beggining was gay and it confused me, but got it then better. This musta took a long fuckin time to make. Great job and make more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is easily the best NG portal entry I ever saw
This is kinda like a DBZ ripoff, yes, but this is about 20 episodes of it crammed into 6 minutes. I just have to say: IT'S FUCKING SWEET!!!!!!...make more.
I don't really feel like typing right now, so this entire message shall remain pointless, whether you like it or not.
Age 80, Male
I have no clue what that is
3rd box on the right
Joined on 4/18/01